Frei Luis de Sousa

15 JUN 21H

How can a German director “run away” from “Fausto from Goethe”, or a French one from “Moliére’s Tartufo”? Can an English director write a theatre play without going through Hamlet? How can a man in Portuguese theatre develop poetry in a play without being confronted by a “crisis”, and still be one of the romanticized theatre cornerstones and written plays in Portugal?

“Frei Luís de Sousa” is a mandatory stop, that sooner or later we have to go through, like Drummond de Andrade’s stone: there’s no going around it – it’s a statement for maturity of art in Europe. The great nature of the Portuguese theatre was set, in part, by this drama by our own Almeida Garrett.

Ficha artistica
Texto Almeida Garrett
Encenação Miguel Loureiro
Com Álvaro Correia, Ângelo Torres, Carolina Amaral, Gustavo Salvador Rebelo, João Grosso, Maria Duarte, Rita Rocha, Sílvio Vieira, Tonán Quito
Cenografia André Guedes
Figurinos José António Tenente
Desenho de Luz José Alvaro Correia
Assistência de encenação Gonçalo Ferreira de Almeida
Direção de produção José Luis Ferreira
Produção Antunes Fidalgo Unipessoal
Coprodução Teatro Nacional D. Maria II

“Frei Luis de Sousa”, canon play by Almeida Garrett is set on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Queen D. Maria II. Director Miguel Loureiro will re-read this piece in a contemporary point of view – whose writer has a strong connection to D. Maria II, the Queen, and “D. Maria II”, the theatre. Loureiro challenges himself this way, trying to “touch” the theathre’s informal side: the “crash”, the impulse, lyrical contingency… everything based on excessive romanticism

Bilhetes \ Tickets 8€
Duração 135 minutos
Local Sala de Espetáculos