O Principezinho – Musical Theatre
The Work of Saint-Exupéry enhances a great versatility of the narrative and the imaginary, providing a suitable visual development to the contemporaneity. Therefore, in view of the visual suggestion that the author gives (as an illustrator of his own history) in relation to the desert, asteroids, comets and planets, there will be a dialogue between the video projection of the universe and the scenography that harmonizes and materializes the asteroids in the scenic space. The plasticity, the interpretation and the musical conception, each one will enrich the show, also remembering that there are adults who want the vision of children and children who want to be treated as adults.
Ficha Artística e Técnica:
Texto Antoine Saint-Exupéry Encenação, Adaptação e Espaço Cénico Xico Alves
Interpretação Filipe Abreu, Daniel Costa Silva, Rita Calatré e Vitor Fernandes
Música Original e Interpretação Paulo Pires
Dramaturgia e Letras Rita Calatré
Coreografia Daniela Ferreira
Desenho de Luz e Som Fernando Oliveira e Fred Meireles
Video Alejandrina Ram
Grafismo Fedra Santos
Conceção plástica e cenografia Fernando Moreira e Xico Alves
Fotografia: Filipa Brito
Figurinos: Paula Cabral
Costureira: Lurdes Sobrado
Produção: Daniela Ferreira, Luiz Oliveira e Susana Morais
Duração 60 minutos