Show “The Triumph of the Pigs”

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Show “The Triumph of the Pigs”

2019/11/27 00:00 - 2019/12/01 23:59

Show “The Triumph of the Pigs”

“George Orwell’s Triumph of the Pigs is an allegory – to the Russian Revolution of 1917 – in which farm animals lead a revolution motivated by the poor living conditions afforded to them by the farm owner. By taking control of the farm, the animals publicly establish and post the rules of the new regime they call Animalism. The seven commandments of Animalism establish that the one who walked on two legs was an enemy, the one who walked on four legs or wings was a friend, no animal should wear clothes, sleep in a bed, drink alcohol, kill another animal and, finally, that all the animals were the same.

Over time, and instead of the aspirations they had founded, all animals worked harder and ate less compared to the period before the revolution. All but the pigs, who had taken control of the farm – moving on two legs, wearing clothes, sleeping in beds, drinking whiskey and killing the animals that challenged their leadership – justifying their conduct by changing the commandments whenever they were confronted with the fact that they were defaulting on them. At the end of the allegory, the seven principles of Animalism are replaced by a single commandment: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

Classificação Maiores de 6 anos

– 27 de novembro (ESTREIA)

– 28 de novembro – 10h e 15h

– 29 de novembro – 10h e 21h

– 30 de novembro – 21h

– 1 de dezembro – 18h



Aproximadamente 90 minutos (maiores de 10 anos)



Público geral – 10€

Público escolar – 3 € (valor válido também para os professores acompanhantes; no caso de o docente trazer um segundo grupo para assistir a uma outra sessão, a Companhia GATO oferece-lhe o bilhete)

Grupos com mais de 7 elementos, maiores de 65 anos, membros de companhias de teatro – 5€



Endereço eletrónico:

Contacto telefónico: 969613459 / 969208954



2019/11/27 00:00
2019/12/01 23:59
Event Category: